Functional Neurosurgery Fellow, 2020-2021

Diana C. Ghinda is a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist currently performing an epilepsy and functional fellowship at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Her areas of interest within neurosurgery are epilepsy, functional neurosurgery and neuro-oncology. Diana’s research interests on neural networks, electrophysiology, neuroplasticity and human neural stem/ progenitor cells led her to complete a Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience (University of Ottawa, Canada) as well as infolded fellowships in neurosurgical oncology with Dr. Duffau (Montpellier, France) and Dr. Wu (Shanghai, China).
In addition, she organized activities aiming to promote empathy and humanitarian actions in medicine and was involved in several quality of care improvement initiatives and fundraising events.
selected publications
Galuta A, Sandarage R, Ghinda D, Auriat MA, Chen S, Kwan J, Tsai EC. A Guide to Extract Spinal Cord for Translational Stem Cell Biology Research: Comparative Analysis of Adult Human, Porcine, and Rodent Spinal Cord Stem Cells, Front Neurosci 14:607, 2020.
Ghinda D, Wu J, Duncan NW, Northoff G. How much is enough-Can resting state fMRI provide a demarcation for neurosurgical resection in glioma?, Neurosci Behav Rev 84:245-261, 2018.
Zhang J, Huang Z, Chen Y, Zhang J, Ghinda D, Nikolova, Y et al. Breakdown in the temporal and spatial organization of spontaneous brain activity during general anesthesia, Human Brain Mapping. 2018.
Ghinda D, Duffau H. Network plasticity and intraoperative mapping for personalized multimodal management of diffuse low-grade gliomas, Front. Surg. 4:3, 2017.
Ghinda D, Zhang N, Lu J, Yao C, Yuan S, Wu J. Contribution of combined intraoperative electrophysiological investigation with 3-T intraoperative MRI for awake cerebral glioma surgery: comprehensive review of the clinical implications and radiological outcomes, Neurosurg Focus 40 (3):E14, 2016.
Pang H, Ren Y, Dang X, Feng X, Yao Z, Wu J, Yao C, Ghinda D, Di N, Zhang Y. Diffusional kurtosis imaging for differentiating between high-grade glioma and primary central nervous system lymphoma. J Magn Reson Imaging 44(1):30-40, 2016.
Zhang J, Dos Santos M, Ghinda D et al. Imaging Diagnosis and the Role of Endovascular Embolization Treatment for Vascular Intraspinal Tumors. Journal of neurosurgery – Neurosurgical focus 39(2):E16, 2015.
Kassam A, Labib M, Bafaquh M, Ghinda D et al. Part I: The challenge of functional preservation: an integrated systems approach using diffusion-weighted, image-guided, exoscopic-assisted, transulcal radial corridors. Innovative Neurosurgery 3(1-2), 2015.
Kassam A, Labib M, Bafaquh M, Ghinda D et al. Part II: an evaluation of an integrated systems approach using diffusion-weighted, image-guided, exoscopic-assisted, transulcal radial corridors. Innovative neurosurgery 3(1-2), 2015.
Ghinda D., Alkherayf F, Tsai E. Review of Status Epilepticus. In Harbaugh R (ed) et al.: Neurosurgery Knowledge update: a comprehensive review, Thieme, 2015.
Ghinda D., Armin S., Dos Santos M. Stent-assisted Coiling for Embolization of Intracranial Aneurysms: Long Term Clinical and Angiographic Results. Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Ottawa Hospital. Interventional Neuroradiology 21(2) 146–154, 2015.