Neurosurgery Resident, Functional Neurosurgery Fellow (2019-2020)

Brian Hwang, M.D. is a chief neurosurgery resident at Johns Hopkins. He was the Functional Neurosurgery Fellow 2019-2020
He is interested in neuro-modulation for restoration and capability augmentation, next generation brain/spine/nerve computer interface development, and computer-assisted precision targeting and machine learning.
current research interests
- Brain Computer Interface
- Comprehensive Neuromodulation for Enhanced Recovery and Capability Augmentation in Warfighters
- Prevention and Management of Traumatic Brain Injury
- Military Operational Medicine
- Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Mesial Temporal Epilepsy
- Neuromodulation for Movement Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders
- High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
selected publication
- Kotchetkov I, Hwang B, Appelboom G, Kellner C and Connolly E. (2010) Brain-computer interfaces: military, neurosurgical, and ethical perspective. Neurosurgical Focus FOC 28:5. doi 10.3171/2010.2.FOCUS1027